ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14 N793

SC22/WG14 N793

New time functions
Clive D.W. Feather

This paper provides final words for the work suggested by N764 item H,
as amended by discussion at Menlo Park.

The paper does two basic things: firstly, it clarifies the specification
of the <time.h> functions in various ways, and secondly, it defines a new
extensible type /struct tmx/ to replace /struct tm/ and three new functions
to manipulate it: /mkxtime/, /zonetime/, and /strxftime/.

References are of the form "T.3"; 'T' is to be replaced by the subclause
number for <time.h>, currently 7.16.

Add the following items to T.1, also adjusting the numbers in the first
paragraph and the uses of "and".

    _LOCALTIME              (must be outside the range [-14400, +14400])

        /struct tmx/
    which is an extended version of /struct tm/. It shall contain all the
    members of /struct tm/ in a manner such that all these members are part
    of a common initial subsequence. In addition it contains the members:
        int tm_version;    /* version number */
        int tm_zone;       /* time zone offset in minutes from UTC
                              [-1439, +1439] */
        int tm_leapsecs;   /* number of leap seconds applied */
        void *tm_ext;      /* extension block */
        size_t tm_extlen;  /* size of the extension block */
    The meaning of /tm_isdst/ is also different: it is the positive number
    of minutes offset if Daylight Saving Time is in effect, zero of Daylight
    Saving Time is not in effect, and -1 if the information is not available.
    A positive value for /tm_zone/ indicates a time that is ahead of UTC.
    The implementation or a future version of this Standard may include
    further members in a separate object. If so, the /tm_ext/ member shall
    point to this object and the /tm_extlen/ object shall be its size.
    Otherwise the /tm_ext/ member shall be a NULL pointer and the value of
    the /tm_extlen/ object shall be unspecified.

Append to T.2.3 (the mktime function), after the end of the description
(paragraph 2):

    The normalization process shall be as described in subclause T.2.Y.

    If the call is successful, a second call to the /mktime/ function
    with the resulting /struct tm/ value shall always leave it unchanged
    and return the same value as the first call. Furthermore, if the
    normalized time is exactly representable as a /time_t/ value, then
    the normalized broken-down time and the broken-down time generated by
    converting the result of the /mktime/ function by a call to
    /localtime/ shall be identical.

Add the following function to T.2 after mktime():

    T.2.X The mkxtime function


        #include <time.h>
        time_t mkxtime (struct tmx *timeptr);


    The /mkxtime/ function has the same behavior and result as the /mktime/
    function except that it takes account of the additional members.

    If the value of the /tm_version/ member is not 1, the behavior is
    undefined. If the implementation cannot determine the relationship
    between local time and UTC, it shall set the /tm_zone/ member of the
    pointed-to structure to /_LOCALTIME/. Otherwise, if the /tm_zone/
    member was /_LOCALTIME/, it shall set be set to the offset of local
    time from UTC, including the effects of the value of the /tm_isdst/
    member; otherwise the original value of the /tm_isdst/ member does not
    affect the result.

    If the /tm_leapsecs/ member is equal to /_NO_LEAP_SECONDS/, then the
    implementation shall determine the number of leap seconds that apply
    and set the member accordingly (or use 0 if it cannot determine it).
    Otherwise it shall use the number of leap seconds given. The
    /tm_leapsecs/ member shall then be set to the number of leap seconds
    actually applied to produce the value represented by the structure,
    or to /_NO_LEAP_SECONDS/ if it was not possible to determine it.

    If the call is successful, a second call to the /mkxtime/ function
    with the resulting /struct tmx/ value shall always leave it unchanged
    and return the same value as the first call. Furthermore, if the
    normalized time is exactly representable as a /time_t/ value, then
    the normalized broken-down time and the broken-down time generated by
    converting the result of the /mkxtime/ function by a call to
    /localtime/ (with /zone/ set to the value of the /tm_zone/ member)
    shall be identical.

Add a new subclause T.2.Y at the end of T.2:

    T.2.Y Normalization of broken-down times

    A broken-down time is normalized by the /mkxtime/ function in the
    following manner. A broken-down time is normalized by the /mktime/
    function in the same manner, but as if the /struct tm/ structure
    had been replaced by a /struct tmx/ structure containing the same
    values except:
        tm_version     is 1
        tm_zone        is _LOCALTIME
        tm_leapsecs    is _NO_LEAP_SECONDS
        tm_isdst       is -1, 0, or an implementation-defined positive
                       value according to whether the original member
                       is less than, equal to, or greater than zero

    If any of the following members is outside the indicated range (where
    L is LONG_MAX/8), the behavior is undefined:
        tm_year        [-L/366,  +L/366 ]
        tm_mon         [-L/31,   +L/31  ]
        tm_mday        [-L,      +L     ]
        tm_hour        [-L/3600, +L/3600]
        tm_min         [-L/60,   +L/60  ]
        tm_sec         [-L,      +L     ]
        tm_leapsecs    [-L,      +L     ] or _NO_LEAP_SECONDS
        tm_zone        [-L/60,   +L/60  ]
        tm_isdst       [-L/60,   +L/60  ] or _LOCALTIME
    The tm_version member shall be 1.

    Values S and D shall be determined as follows:
        #define QUOT(a,b) ((a) > 0 ? (a) / (b) : -(((b) - (a) - 1) / (b)))
        #define REM(a, b) ((a) - (b) * QUOT(a,b))

        SS = tm_hour * 3600 + tm_min * 60 + tm_sec +
             (tm_leapsecs == _NO_LEAP_SECONDS ? X1 : tm_leapsecs) -
             (tm_zone == _LOCALTIME ? X2 : tm_zone) * 60;

         *  X1 is the appropriate number of leap seconds, determined by
         *  the implementation, or 0 if it cannot be determined.
         *  X2 is the appropriate offset from local time to UTC,
         *  determined by the implementation, or
         *  /(tm_isdst >= 0 ? tm_isdst : 0)/.

        M = REM (tm_mon, 12);
        Y = tm_year + 1900 + QUOT (tm_mon, 12);
        Z = Y - (M < 2 ? 1 : 0);
        D = Y * 365 + (Z / 400) * 97 + (Z % 400) / 4 +
            M [(int []){0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,335}] +
            tm_mday + QUOT (SS, 86400);
        S = REM (SS, 86400);

    The normalized broken-down time shall produce the same values of S
    and D (though possibly different values of M, Y, and Z) as the
    original broken-down time. [*]

    [*] The effect of the above rules is to consistently use the Gregorian
    calendar, irrespective of which calendar was in use in which year. In
    particular, the years 1100 and -300 are not leap, while the years 1200
    and -400 are (these 4 years correspond to tm_year values of -800, -2200,
    -700, and -2300 respectively, and the last of these is 401 B.C.). In
    the normalized broken-down time, tm_wday is equal to /QUOT (D - 2, 7)/.

Add the following function to T.3 after localtime():

    T.3.X The zonetime function


        #include <time.h>
        struct tmx *zonetime (const time_t *timer, int zone);


    The /zonetime/ function converts the calendar time pointed to by
    /timer/ into a broken-down time as represented in the specified time
    zone. The /tm_version/ member is set to 1. If the implementation
    cannot determine the relationship between local time and UTC, it shall
    set the /tm_zone/ member to /_LOCALTIME/. Otherwise it shall set the
    /tm_zone/ member to the value of /zone/ unless the latter is
    /_LOCALTIME/, in which case it shall set it to the offset of local
    time from UTC. The value shall include the effect of Daylight Savings
    Time, if in effect. The /tm_leapsecs/ member shall be set to the
    number of leap seconds (the UTC-UT1 offset) applied in the result [*]
    if it can be determined, and to the value /_NO_LEAP_SECONDS/ if it
    cannot (and so none were applied).

    [*] If the /tm_sec/ member is set to 60, that leap second shall not
    be included in the value of /tm_leapsecs/.

In T.3.5 (the strftime function), change the bracket appended to the
descriptions of %z and %Z to:

    %z [tm_isdst]
    %Z [tm_isdst]

Add the following function to T.3 after strftime():

    T.3.Y The strfxtime function


        #include <time.h>
        size_t strfxtime (char * restrict s,
            size_t maxsize,
            const char * restrict format,
            const struct tmx * restrict timeptr);


    The behavior and result of the /strfxtime/ is identical to that of
    the /strftime/ function, except that the /timeptr/ parameter has a
    different type, and the /%z/ and /%Z/ conversion specifiers depend
    on both the /tm_zone/ and /tm_isdst/ members.