ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14 N761

                Rewrite of C9x Subclause 7.4 <inttypes.h>
       September 26, 1997       Document No. WG14/N761 (J11/97-125)

                             Douglas A. Gwyn

                       US Army Research Laboratory
                               Adelphi, MD


            This is a proposed replacement for the current C9x
            (Draft 10) subclause 7.4; it supersedes Doc. No.
            WG14/N737 (J11/97-100), which was distributed in
            the post-London mailing.  (Actually, that mailing
            contained the wrong version; in the SC22WG14
            mailing list, I asked that it be replaced by the
            version in ftp:://
            Since my original proposal, I have received much
            useful feedback, which has been taken into

            In the course of this work, I noticed several
            apparent problems with the specification.  In
            fixing these problems, there is a delicate balance
            between the force of logical necessity and
            invention.  Vertical bars in the margin indicate
            innovations that I have identified as potentially
            controversial, or wording that could be affected
            by other pending proposals; I have isolated these
            so that if any of them is modified or rejected by
            the Committee, it can be quickly and accurately
            edited in the TROFF source file that will be
            provided to the Document Editor as a ``plug-in''
            replacement for the old subclause 7.4.

       7.4  Integer types <lt;lt;lt;inttypes.h>

       The header <inttypes.h> declares sets of typedef names for
       integer types having specified widths and defines
       corresponding sets of macros.

       Typedef names are declared in the following categories:

          - integer types having certain exact widths;

          - integer types having at least certain specified widths;

          - fastest integer types having at least certain specified

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          - fastest integer types with unspecified width;

          - integer types large enough to hold pointers to objects;

          - integer types having greatest width.

       (Some of these typedef names may denote the same type.)

       Corresponding macros specify limits of the declared integer
       types, construct suitable character constants, and provide
       conversion specifiers for use with the formatted
       input/output functions.  There are also four function-like
       macros for converting numeric character strings to
       greatest-width integers.

       For each typedef name described herein that can be declared   |
       as a type existing in the implementation, <inttypes.h> shall  |
       declare that typedef name, and it shall define the            |
       associated macros.  Conversely, for each typedef name         |
       described herein that cannot be declared as a type existing
       in the implementation, <inttypes.h> shall not declare that
       typedef name, nor shall it define the associated macros.

       Throughout this subclause, the width of an integer type is    |
       defined as the number of significant bits, including sign if  |
       any, in the representation of that type.                      |

       Recommended practice

       Some of these typedef names may denote implementation-
       defined extended integer types.

       7.4.1  Typedef names for integer types

       When typedef names differing only in the absence or presence
       of the initial u are declared, they shall denote
       corresponding signed and unsigned types as described in
       subclause  Exact-width integer types

       Each of the following names designates an integer type that
       has exactly the specified width.  These names have the
       general form of intn_t or uintn_t where n is the required
       width.  For example, uint8_t denotes an unsigned integer
       type that is exactly 8 bits wide.

       The following designate exact-width signed integer types:
               int8_t     int16_t     int32_t     int64_t

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       The following designate exact-width unsigned integer types:
               uint8_t    uint16_t    uint32_t    uint64_t

       (Any of these types might not exist.)  Minimum-width integer types

       Each of the following names designates an integer type that
       has at least the specified width.  These names have the
       general form of int_leastn_t or uint_leastn_t where n is the
       minimum required width.  For example, int_least32_t denotes
       a signed integer type that is at least 32 bits wide.

       The following designate minimum-width signed integer types:
               int_least8_t      int_least16_t
               int_least32_t     int_least64_t

       The following designate minimum-width unsigned integer
               uint_least8_t     uint_least16_t
               uint_least32_t    uint_least64_t

       (These types must exist.)

       Recommended practice                                          |

       Each of these names should denote one of the smallest types   |
       satisfying the requirements.                                  |  Fastest minimum-width integer types

       Each of the following names designates an integer type that
       is usually fastest to operate with among all integer types
       that have at least the specified width.  These names have
       the general form of int_fastn_t or uint_fastn_t where n is
       the minimum required width.  For example, int_fast16_t
       denotes the fastest signed integer type that is at least 16
       bits wide.

       The following designate fastest minimum-width signed integer
               int_fast8_t      int_fast16_t
               int_fast32_t     int_fast64_t

       The following designate fastest minimum-width unsigned
       integer types:
               uint_fast8_t     uint_fast16_t
               uint_fast32_t    uint_fast64_t

       (These types must exist.)                                     |

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       Recommended practice                                          |

       It is acknowledged that singling out one type as ``usually    |
       fastest'' can be problematic.  If the implementation has no   |
       clear grounds for choosing one type over another, it may      |
       pick any integer type satisfying the signedness and width     |
       requirements.                                                 |  Fastest integer types

       The following name designates a signed integer type that is
       usually fastest among all signed integer types having widths
       of at least 16 bits:
       It denotes the same type as int_fast16_t.                     |

       The following name designates an unsigned integer type that
       is usually fastest among all unsigned integer types having
       widths of at least 16 bits:
       It denotes the same type as uint_fast16_t.                    |

       (These types must exist.)                                     |  Integer types capable of holding object pointers

       The following name designates a signed integer type with the
       property that any valid pointer to void can be converted to
       this type, then converted back to pointer to void, and the
       result will compare equal to the original pointer:

       The following name designates an unsigned integer type with
       the property that any valid pointer to void can be converted
       to this type, then converted back to pointer to void, and
       the result will compare equal to the original pointer:

       (Support for such conversions is a common extension;          |
       however, either or both of these types might not exist.)      |  Greatest-width integer types

       The following name designates a signed integer type capable
       of holding any value that can be represented by any signed
       integer type:

       The following name designates an unsigned integer type
       capable of holding any value that can be represented by any
       unsigned integer type:

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       (These types must exist.)                                     |

       7.4.2  Limits of integer types

       The following object-like macros specify the minimum and
       maximum limits of the integer types declared in
       <inttypes.h>.  Each macro name corresponds to a similar
       typedef name in subclause 7.4.1.

       Each instance of any defined macro shall be replaced by a
       constant expression suitable for use in #if preprocessing
       directives, and this expression shall have the same type as
       would an expression that is an object of the corresponding
       type converted according to the integer promotions.  Its
       implementation-defined value shall be equal to or greater in
       magnitude (absolute value) than the corresponding value
       given below, with the same sign.  Limits of exact-width integer types

          - minimum values of exact-width signed integer types
            INT8_MIN                            -127
            INT16_MIN                         -32767
            INT32_MIN                    -2147483647
            INT64_MIN           -9223372036854775807
            (The value must be either -2n-1 or 1-2n-1.)

          - maximum values of exact-width signed integer types
            INT8_MAX                            +127
            INT16_MAX                         +32767
            INT32_MAX                    +2147483647
            INT64_MAX           +9223372036854775807
            (The value must be 2n-1-1.)

          - maximum values of exact-width unsigned integer types
            UINT8_MAX                            255
            UINT16_MAX                         65535
            UINT32_MAX                    4294967295
            UINT64_MAX          18446744073709551615
            (The value must be 2n-1.)  Limits of minimum-width integer types

          - minimum values of minimum-width signed integer types
            INT_LEAST8_MIN                      -127
            INT_LEAST16_MIN                   -32767
            INT_LEAST32_MIN              -2147483647
            INT_LEAST64_MIN     -9223372036854775807

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          - maximum values of minimum-width signed integer types
            INT_LEAST8_MAX                      +127
            INT_LEAST16_MAX                   +32767
            INT_LEAST32_MAX              +2147483647
            INT_LEAST64_MAX     +9223372036854775807

          - maximum values of minimum-width unsigned integer types
            UINT_LEAST8_MAX                      255
            UINT_LEAST16_MAX                   65535
            UINT_LEAST32_MAX              4294967295
            UINT_LEAST64_MAX    18446744073709551615  Limits of fastest minimum-width integer types

          - minimum values of fastest minimum-width signed integer
            INT_FAST8_MIN                       -127
            INT_FAST16_MIN                    -32767
            INT_FAST32_MIN               -2147483647
            INT_FAST64_MIN      -9223372036854775807

          - maximum values of fastest minimum-width signed integer
            INT_FAST8_MAX                       +127
            INT_FAST16_MAX                    +32767
            INT_FAST32_MAX               +2147483647
            INT_FAST64_MAX      +9223372036854775807

          - maximum values of fastest minimum-width unsigned
            integer types
            UINT_FAST8_MAX                       255
            UINT_FAST16_MAX                    65535
            UINT_FAST32_MAX               4294967295
            UINT_FAST64_MAX     18446744073709551615  Limits of fastest integer types

          - minimum value of fastest signed integer type
            INTFAST_MIN                       -32767

          - maximum value of fastest signed integer type
            INTFAST_MAX                       +32767

          - maximum value of fastest unsigned integer type
            UINTFAST_MAX                       65535

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       September 26, 1997Rewrite of <inttypes.h>Document No. WG14/N761 (J11/97-125)  Limits of integer types capable of holding object

          - minimum value of pointer-holding signed integer type
            INTPTR_MIN                        -32767

          - maximum value of pointer-holding signed integer type
            INTPTR_MAX                        +32767

          - maximum value of pointer-holding unsigned integer type
            UINTPTR_MAX                        65535  Limits of greatest-width integer types

          - minimum value of greatest-width signed integer type
            INTMAX_MIN          -9223372036854775807

          - maximum value of greatest-width signed integer type
            INTMAX_MAX          +9223372036854775807

          - maximum value of greatest-width unsigned integer type
            UINTMAX_MAX         18446744073709551615

       7.4.3  Macros for integer constants

       The following function-like macros expand to integer
       constants suitable for initializing objects that have
       integer types declared in <inttypes.h>.  Each macro name
       corresponds to a similar typedef name in subclause

       The argument in any instance of these macros shall be a
       decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant (as defined in
       subclause with a value that does not exceed the
       limits for the corresponding type.  Macros for minimum-width integer constants

       Each of the following macros expands to an integer constant
       having the value specified by its argument and a type with
       at least the specified width.  These names have the general
       form of INTn_C or UINTn_C where n is the minimum required
       width.  For example, UINT64_C(0x123) might expand to the
       integer constant 0x123ULL.

       The following expand to integer constants that have signed
       integer types:
               INT8_C(value)      INT16_C(value)
               INT32_C(value)     INT64_C(value)

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       The following expand to integer constants that have unsigned
       integer types:
               UINT8_C(value)     UINT16_C(value)
               UINT32_C(value)    UINT64_C(value)  Macros for greatest-width integer constants

       The following macro expands to an integer constant having
       the value specified by its argument and a signed integer
       type having width at least as great as any other signed
       integer type:

       The following macro expands to an integer constant having
       the value specified by its argument and an unsigned integer
       type having width at least as great as any other unsigned
       integer type:

       7.4.4  Macros for format specifiers

       Each of the following object-like macros expands to a string
       literal containing a conversion specifier, possibly modified
       by a prefix such as h, l, or ll, suitable for use within the
       format argument of a formatted input/output function when
       converting the corresponding integer type.  These names have
       the general form of PRI (character string literals for the
       fprintf family), SCN (character string literals for the
       fscanf family),122 WPRI (wide string literals for the         |
       fwprintf family), or WSCN (wide string literals for the       |
       fwscanf family), followed by the conversion specifier,
       followed by a name corresponding to a similar typedef name
       in subclause 7.4.1.  For example, PRIdFAST32 can be used in
       a format string to print an integer of type int_fast32_t.

       The fprintf macros for signed integers are:
           PRId8          PRId16         PRId32         PRId64
           PRIdLEAST8     PRIdLEAST16    PRIdLEAST32    PRIdLEAST64
           PRIdFAST8      PRIdFAST16     PRIdFAST32     PRIdFAST64
           PRIdFAST       PRIdMAX        PRIdPTR

           PRIi8          PRIi16         PRIi32         PRIi64


       122. Separate macros are given for fprintf and fscanf
           functions because, typically, different format
           specifiers are required for fprintf and fscanf even when
           the type is the same.

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           PRIiLEAST8     PRIiLEAST16    PRIiLEAST32    PRIiLEAST64
           PRIiFAST8      PRIiFAST16     PRIiFAST32     PRIiFAST64
           PRIiFAST       PRIiMAX        PRIiPTR

       The fprintf macros for unsigned integers are:
           PRIo8          PRIo16         PRIo32         PRIo64
           PRIoLEAST8     PRIoLEAST16    PRIoLEAST32    PRIoLEAST64
           PRIoFAST8      PRIoFAST16     PRIoFAST32     PRIoFAST64
           PRIoFAST       PRIoMAX        PRIoPTR

           PRIu8          PRIu16         PRIu32         PRIu64
           PRIuLEAST8     PRIuLEAST16    PRIuLEAST32    PRIuLEAST64
           PRIuFAST8      PRIuFAST16     PRIuFAST32     PRIuFAST64
           PRIuFAST       PRIuMAX        PRIuPTR

           PRIx8          PRIx16         PRIx32         PRIx64
           PRIxLEAST8     PRIxLEAST16    PRIxLEAST32    PRIxLEAST64
           PRIxFAST8      PRIxFAST16     PRIxFAST32     PRIxFAST64
           PRIxFAST       PRIxMAX        PRIxPTR

           PRIX8          PRIX16         PRIX32         PRIX64
           PRIXFAST8      PRIXFAST16     PRIXFAST32     PRIXFAST64
           PRIXFAST       PRIXMAX        PRIXPTR

       The fscanf macros for signed integers are:
           SCNd8          SCNd16         SCNd32         SCNd64
           SCNdLEAST8     SCNdLEAST16    SCNdLEAST32    SCNdLEAST64  |
           SCNdFAST8      SCNdFAST16     SCNdFAST32     SCNdFAST64   |
           SCNdFAST       SCNdMAX        SCNdPTR

           SCNi8          SCNi16         SCNi32         SCNi64
           SCNiLEAST8     SCNiLEAST16    SCNiLEAST32    SCNiLEAST64  |
           SCNiFAST8      SCNiFAST16     SCNiFAST32     SCNiFAST64   |
           SCNiFAST       SCNiMAX        SCNiPTR

       The fscanf macros for unsigned integers are:
           SCNo8          SCNo16         SCNo32         SCNo64
           SCNoLEAST8     SCNoLEAST16    SCNoLEAST32    SCNoLEAST64  |
           SCNoFAST8      SCNoFAST16     SCNoFAST32     SCNoFAST64   |
           SCNoFAST       SCNoMAX        SCNoPTR

           SCNu8          SCNu16         SCNu32         SCNu64
           SCNuLEAST8     SCNuLEAST16    SCNuLEAST32    SCNuLEAST64  |
           SCNuFAST8      SCNuFAST16     SCNuFAST32     SCNuFAST64   |
           SCNuFAST       SCNuMAX        SCNuPTR

           SCNx8          SCNx16         SCNx32         SCNx64
           SCNxLEAST8     SCNxLEAST16    SCNxLEAST32    SCNxLEAST64  |
           SCNxFAST8      SCNxFAST16     SCNxFAST32     SCNxFAST64   |
           SCNxFAST       SCNxMAX        SCNxPTR

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       The fwprintf macros for signed integers are:                  |
           WPRId8         WPRId16        WPRId32        WPRId64      |
           WPRIdFAST8     WPRIdFAST16    WPRIdFAST32    WPRIdFAST64  |
           WPRIdFAST      WPRIdMAX       WPRIdPTR                    |

           WPRIi8         WPRIi16        WPRIi32        WPRIi64      |
           WPRIiFAST8     WPRIiFAST16    WPRIiFAST32    WPRIiFAST64  |
           WPRIiFAST      WPRIiMAX       WPRIiPTR                    |

       The fwprintf macros for unsigned integers are:                |
           WPRIo8         WPRIo16        WPRIo32        WPRIo64      |
           WPRIoFAST8     WPRIoFAST16    WPRIoFAST32    WPRIoFAST64  |
           WPRIoFAST      WPRIoMAX       WPRIoPTR                    |

           WPRIu8         WPRIu16        WPRIu32        WPRIu64      |
           WPRIuFAST8     WPRIuFAST16    WPRIuFAST32    WPRIuFAST64  |
           WPRIuFAST      WPRIuMAX       WPRIuPTR                    |

           WPRIx8         WPRIx16        WPRIx32        WPRIx64      |
           WPRIxFAST8     WPRIxFAST16    WPRIxFAST32    WPRIxFAST64  |
           WPRIxFAST      WPRIxMAX       WPRIxPTR                    |

           WPRIX8         WPRIX16        WPRIX32        WPRIX64      |
           WPRIXFAST      WPRIXMAX       WPRIXPTR                    |

       The fwscanf macros for signed integers are:                   |
           WSCNd8         WSCNd16        WSCNd32        WSCNd64      |
           WSCNdFAST8     WSCNdFAST16    WSCNdFAST32    WSCNdFAST64  |
           WSCNdFAST      WSCNdMAX       WSCNdPTR                    |

           WSCNi8         WSCNi16        WSCNi32        WSCNi64      |
           WSCNiFAST8     WSCNiFAST16    WSCNiFAST32    WSCNiFAST64  |
           WSCNiFAST      WSCNiMAX       WSCNiPTR                    |

       The fwscanf macros for unsigned integers are:                 |
           WSCNo8         WSCNo16        WSCNo32        WSCNo64      |
           WSCNoFAST8     WSCNoFAST16    WSCNoFAST32    WSCNoFAST64  |
           WSCNoFAST      WSCNoMAX       WSCNoPTR                    |

           WSCNu8         WSCNu16        WSCNu32        WSCNu64      |

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           WSCNuFAST8     WSCNuFAST16    WSCNuFAST32    WSCNuFAST64  |
           WSCNuFAST      WSCNuMAX       WSCNuPTR                    |

           WSCNx8         WSCNx16        WSCNx32        WSCNx64      |
           WSCNxFAST8     WSCNxFAST16    WSCNxFAST32    WSCNxFAST64  |
           WSCNxFAST      WSCNxMAX       WSCNxPTR                    |

       Because the default argument promotions do not affect         |
       pointer parameters, there might not exist suitable fscanf     |
       (or fwscanf) format specifiers for some of the declared       |
       types, particularly those with typedef names containing 8.    |
       Consequently, as a special exception to the requirement that  |
       the implementation define all macros associated with a        |
       declared type, in such a case the problematic fscanf (or      |
       fwscanf) macros may be left undefined.                        |


            #include <inttypes.h>
            #include <stdio.h>
            int main(void) {
                 uintmax_t i = UINTMAX_MAX;    // this type always exists|
                 printf("The largest integer value is %020" PRIxMAX "\n", i);
                 return 0;

       7.4.5  Conversion macros123 for greatest-width integer types  The strtoimax macro


            #include <inttypes.h>
            intmax_t strtoimax(const char * restrict nptr,
                               char ** restrict endptr, int base);


       123. strtoimax, strtoumax, wcstoimax, and wcstoumax are       |
           specified as macros rather than functions, to allow them  |
           to be implemented as synonyms for functions named in      |
           subclauses 7.13.1 and                           |

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       The strtoimax macro is equivalent to strtol, except that the
       initial portion of the string is converted to intmax_t


       The strtoimax macro returns the converted value, if any.  If
       no conversion could be performed zero is returned.  If the
       correct value is outside the range of representable values,
       INTMAX_MAX or INTMAX_MIN is returned (according to the sign
       of the value), and the value of the macro ERANGE is stored
       in errno.  The strtoumax macro


            #include <inttypes.h>
            uintmax_t strtoumax(const char * restrict nptr,
                                char ** restrict endptr, int base);


       The strtoumax macro is equivalent to strtoul, except that
       the initial portion of the string is converted to uintmax_t


       The strtoumax macro returns the converted value, if any.  If
       no conversion could be performed zero is returned.  If the
       correct value is outside the range of representable values,
       UINTMAX_MAX is returned, and the value of the macro ERANGE
       is stored in errno.  The wcstoimax macro                                  |

       Synopsis                                                      |

            #include <inttypes.h>                                    |
            intmax_t wcstoimax(const wchar_t * restrict nptr,        |
                               wchar_t ** restrict endptr, int base);|

       Description                                                   |

       The wcstoimax macro is equivalent to wcstol, except that the  |
       initial portion of the wide string is converted to intmax_t   |
       representation.                                               |

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       Returns                                                       |

       The wcstoimax macro returns the converted value, if any.  If  |
       no conversion could be performed zero is returned.  If the    |
       correct value is outside the range of representable values,   |
       INTMAX_MAX or INTMAX_MIN is returned (according to the sign   |
       of the value), and the value of the macro ERANGE is stored    |
       in errno.                                                     |  The wcstoumax macro                                  |

       Synopsis                                                      |

            #include <inttypes.h>                                    |
            uintmax_t wcstoumax(const wchar_t * restrict nptr,       |
                                wchar_t ** restrict endptr, int base);|

       Description                                                   |

       The wcstoumax macro is equivalent to wcstoul, except that     |
       the initial portion of the wide string is converted to        |
       uintmax_t representation.                                     |

       Returns                                                       |

       The wcstoumax macro returns the converted value, if any.  If  |
       no conversion could be performed zero is returned.  If the    |
       correct value is outside the range of representable values,   |
       UINTMAX_MAX is returned, and the value of the macro ERANGE    |
       is stored in errno.                                           |

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