Document: N655 J11/97-018
Title: N504 and N643 (C9X Draft 8)
The editorial review committee for N504 has agreed the following wording
(given as diffs against draft 8). Can you please allocate this a formal
number and put it into the process.
While it seems silly that something this small can't be handled at Kona,
I will understand if you tell me that the procedure won't let it be.
1. In subclause 7.10, paragraph 3, change:
which is a type
which is an object type
2. In subclause 7.11.1, Introduction, paragraph 2, change:
which is an object type
which is an object type other than an array type
The Rationale text is:
In the case of va_list, there is no indication that the type must be
an object type. In the case of fpos_t, there is no requirement for the
type to be assignable (that is, not an array). If fpos_t were an
array, then a function would not be able to handle fpos_t parameters
in the same manner as other fpos_t variables. These are the only cases
where a perverse implementation is possible. All other types defined
by the Standard have sensible properties.