ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14 N650

				Document number: WG14 N650 (J11 97-013)

Title:	Draft 8 Edit Issues List
Author: Douglas Walls & John Benito
Date:	January 28, 1997

All comments in example code should be itlic, see,,,, etc.  This is also a problem with "/* ... */",
the '.' needs to be itlic.

Change bars are one off sometimes.  The first bars is on a line with no
change, and the last line of change is not marked.  7.12 page 251 is
just one example.

Some change bars are now bold, and in some cases there are three change

Annex D has not been updated.

All the pages of the Index are labeled as an Annex.

Annex C and D need to be added to the list of items that need
work.  Annex C has an Editor note, but is missing for the list
of issues.

N590, Translation limits proposal, basically this proposal has not been
applied.  Only one of the many changes from this proposal have been
applied.  Specifically only the changes to 6.8.4, line control, has
been applied.  The bulk of the changes for clauses, 6.1.2, 6.9
have not been made.

N601, long long proposal:, Integer constants, paragraph 1, page 38 (P), the following
syntax is missing from N601, long long proposal:

        unsigned-suffix long-long-suffix
        long-long-suffix unsigned suffix
    long-long-suffix: one of
        ll  LL, The fscanf function, Description, paragraph 3, bullet 3,
second sentence, page 230 (P), correct the text ``pointer to long, or by
ll'' to ``pointer to long int, or by ll''.

7.12, General utilities <stdlib.h>, paragraph 1, page 251 (P), correct
the text ``declares four types'' to be ``declares five types''., The atoll function, Description, paragraph 2, page 253 (P),
correct the text ``atoll function converts'' to be ``atoll function is
equivalent to the atol function, except that it converts''.  This is
what is specified in N601, long long proposal as passed by the
committee.  However, I do believe the wording Frank has put in is
accurate and more concise., The wcstoull function, Description, paragraph 2, page 323
(P), correct the text ``pointed to to unsigned'' to be ``pointed to by
nptr to unsigned''.

N615, Amsterdam minutes item 41.5, N505 (Make qualifiers idempotent):
6.5.3, Type qualifiers, Constraints, paragraph 2, page 88 (P),
beginning ``If the same qualifier ...'', this paragraph is suppose to be in
the Semantics, it has been misplaced under Constraints.  See the 6/96
minutes (N615), item 41.5, N505 (Make qualifiers idempotent) for
details of how this change was suppose to be applied.

N593, New Form of Pragma:

6.8.9, Pragma operator, paragraph 1, page 135 (P), correct the text
``escape sequence \ by a single'' to be ``escape sequence \\ by a
single''.  Same paragraph correct the text ``the user operator'' to be
``the unary operator''.

N401, <inttypes.h>:

7.4.8, Limits of integral types, footnote 116, page 152 (P), correct
``test test'' to be ``test''.

7.4.8, Limits of integral types, paragraph 6, page 153 (P), is suppose
to be paragraph 1 following the header 7.4.9, Limits of most efficient
integral types.

Misc corrections:

7.11.1, Introduction, paragraph 3, page 212 (P), footnote 147
referenced, but the footnote appears on the next page. Program execution, paragraph number 10, page 10 (P), this
paragraph should not be numbered.  It is a part of example 1, which is
a subparagraph of paragraph 9., The fscanf function, paragraph 12, should not be numbered.
These are all subparagraphs of paragraph 11.

Footnote 49, page 61 (P), has a paragraph number inbedded in the text.

6.5.7, Initialization, paragraph 24, example 6, page 105 (P) has a
style problem, two occurrences of each of these:
	{1,2} should be { 1, 2 }
	{3, 4, 5} should be { 3, 4, 5}

6.5.3, Type qualifiers, paragraph 11, page 90 (P), change
``available'', to ``available,''.  For examples of why the comma goes
inside the quote see Semantics section

N488, Designated initializers:

6.5.7, Initialization, paragraph 24, example 8, page 106 (P), correct
``enum { member_one, member_to,'' to be ``enum{ member_one, member_two,''.

N599, restrict pointer library changes:, The wmemcmp function, Synopsis, paragraph 1, page 332 (P),
change the function definition from:
	int wmemcmp(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2, size_t n);
to be:
    int wmemcmp(wchar_t * restrict s1, const wchar_t * restrict s2,
                    size_t n);

Annex B, has yet to be updated, for example adding ``restrict'' to B.1.2,
Keywords, page 345 (P).

N595, C9X Floating-Point

A large set of the changes from N595 have not been applied.  All of the
changes beginning with the changes for The fscanf function, on
page 9 of N595 and continuing with all of the changes through page 19,
have not been applied.  For a total of 11 pages of changes that have
not been applied.

A second large set of the changes from N595 have not been applied.  All
of the changes from pages 39-46 of N595, which adds the header
<fenv.h>, have not been applied.

The motion from the Toronto minutes (N632) which accepted N595
explicitly stated that the semicolons following the FENV_ACCESS_ON and
FENV_ACCESS_OFF macros were to be removed.  This was not done when
applying the proposal to C9X draft 8 and needs to be done:

	F.7.4 Constant expressions, Example, paragraph 2, page 376 (P)
	F.7.5 Initialization, Example, paragraph 2, page 377 (P)
	F.8.1, Global transformations, paragraph 2, page 378 (P)
	F.9.3.11, The modf function, paragraph 2, page 387 (P)
	F.9.6.1, The ceil function, paragraph 1, page 390 (P)
	F.9.6.6, The round function, paragraph 1, page 391 (P)
	F.9.7.1, The fmod function, paragraph 1, page 392 (P), Program execution, paragraph 9, example 3, page 11 (P), delete
the last sentence beginning ``Alternatively, an operation involving
only ints or floats ...''. Characteristics of floating types <float.h>, paragraph 5,
page 20 (P), in the list of FLT_EVAL_METHOD values the fonts for the
terms ``float'', ``double'' and ``long double'' when used as types are not in
the correct font., Floating constants, syntax, paragraph 1, page 36 (P), in the
syntax for hexadecimal-fractional-constant, the second line should be
indented as it is a continuation of the first line.  It should look

                hexadecimal-digit-sequence    .
                hexadecimal-digit-sequence . Integer constants, syntax, paragraph 1, page 37 (P), double check this change from page 6 of N595.  Looks like too much has been removed.  Only hexadecimal-digit syntax was to be removed.  But the definition of an hexadecimal-constant was removed.  Restore this:

                0x hexadecimal-digit
                0X hexadecimal-digit
                hexadecimal-constant hexadecimal-digit The fprintf function, paragraph 3, third bullet, page 224 (P),
change ``for e, E, and'' to ``for a, A, e, E, and''. The fprintf function, paragraph 3, third bullet, penultimate
sentence, page 225 (P), change ``following e, E, f, g'' to ``following a,
A, e, E, f, g''. The fprintf function, paragraph 6, specifier a,A , page 227
(P), change ``[-]0xh.hhhhpp+d'' to ``[-]0xh.hhhhp+d''
                           -                     -
                          ^--Remove this extraneous p,
                             which is in a different font The fprintf function, paragraph 6, specifier a,A , page 227
(P), correct the spelling of ``lettersr'' to be ``letter''. The fprintf function, paragraph 6, specifier a,A , page 227
(P), correct the font for the specifier ``a'' in the text ``... abcdef are
used for a conversion ... ''
         ^- this a is in the wrong font The fprintf function, paragraph 6, specifier a,A , page 227
(P), correct the font for the specifier ``a'' in the text ``The a
conversion specifier ...''.        This a is in the wrong font -^ The fprintf function, footnote 158, page 227 (P), add the
missing expression where the note on missing text is:
          p-1   n
        16   > b, The fprintf function, footnote 158, page 227 (P), the
footnote, ``Binary implementations  can choose the hexadecimal digit to
the left of the decimal-point character so  that  subsequent digits
align to nibble (4-bit) boundaries.''.  This is to be a numbered
footnote, with the footnote place in, The fprintf function,
paragraph 5, the a, A specifier, in the third sentence as follows:

	 The hexadecimal digit to the left of the decimal-point
	 character  is nonzero for normalized floating-point numbers
	 and is otherwise unspecified (footnote here); if the precision
	 is zero  and the  # flag  is  not  specified,  no
	 decimal-point character appears., The fwprintf function, paragraph 4, third bullet, page 301
(P), correct ``for e, E, and'' to be ``for a, A, e, E, and''., The fwprintf function, paragraph 4, fourth bullet, page 301
(P), correct ``following e, E, f'' to be ``following a, A, e, E, f''., The fwprintf function, paragraph 6, the ``a, A'' specifier,
page 303 (P), correct the font for the word ``double'' in ``The double
argument ...''., The fwprintf function, paragraph 6, the ``a, A'' specifier,
page 303 (P), change ``[-]0xh.hhhhpp+d'' to ``[-]0xh.hhhhp+d''
                                    -                     -
                                   ^--Remove this extraneous p,
                                      which is in a different font, The fwprintf function, paragraph 6, the ``a, A'' specifier,
page 303 (P), correct the text ``left of the decimal-point character is''
to read ``left of the decimal-point wide character is''., The fwprintf function, paragraph 6, the ``a, A'' specifier,
page 303 (P), correct the font for the specifier ``a'' in the text ``...
abcdef are used for a conversion ... ''
                    ^- this a is in the wrong font, The fwprintf function, paragraph 6, the ``a, A'' specifier,
page 303 (P), correct the font for the specifier ``a'' in the text ``The
a conversion specifier ...''.
^- this a is in the wrong font, The fwprintf function, footnote 190, page 303 (P), add the
missing expression where the note on missing text is:
          p-1   n
        16   > b, The fwprintf function, footnote 190, page 303 (P), the
footnote,  ``Binary implementations  can choose the hexadecimal digit to
the left of the decimal-point character so  that  subsequent digits
align to nibble (4-bit) boundaries.''.This is to be a numbered
footnote, with the footnote place in, The fwprintf function,
paragraph 5, the a, A specifier, in the third sentence as follows:

	The hexadecimal digit to the left of the  decimal-point wide
	character  is  nonzero  for  normalized  floating-point
	numbers  and is otherwise unspecified(footnote here); if the
	precision is zero and the # flag is not  specified,  no
	decimal- point  wide  character appears.

Note: I've applied the above correction to ``decimal-point character''
to be ``decimal-point wide character'', in the above reworded

7.6, Mathematics <math.h>, paragraph 3, pages 166 and 167, there are 5
occurrences of the phrase ``The macro''.  This phrase should begin a new
paragraph, but has been incorrectly placed at the end of the preceding

7.6.1, The FP_CONTRACT macros, Description, paragraph 2, page 168 (P),
separate the words ``FP_CONTRACTmacro''., The acosh function, Returns, paragraph 3, page 175,
``+<pi symbol>'' should be ``+<infinity symbol>''., The atanh function, paragraph 2, page 176, The ``Returns''
header has been incorrectly appended to this paragraph as ``HU
"Returns"''., The exp2 function, Description, paragraph 2, page 178 (P),
correct ``2x'' to be:
        2, The exp2 function, Description, paragraph 2, page 178 (P),
remove footnote 131, it belongs in the expm1 function., The expm1 function, Description, paragraph 2, page 178 (P),
add footnote 131 to the end of the first sentence., The expm1 function, Description, paragraph 2, page 178 (P),
correct ``ex'' to be:
        e, The logb function, Description, paragraph 2, page 180 (P),
correct ``FLT_RADIX-logb(x)'' to be:
        FLT_RADIX, The scalb function, paragraph 2 and 3, page 180 (P), correct
the three occurrences of ``FLT_RADIXn'' to be:

7.6.9, Nearest integer and absolute value functions, page 183 (P), correct
the title of 7.6.9 to be:
       7.6.9 Nearest integer functions, The gamma function, paragraphs 2 and 3, page 182 (P), if
possible, change the two occurrences of the letter G to be the ``gamma''
symbol., The lgamma function, paragraphs 2 and 3, page 182 (P), if
possible, change the two occurrences of the letter G to be the ``gamma''
symbol., The lgamma function, paragraphs 2 and 3, page 182 (P), correct
the two occurrences of ``loge'' to be:
           e, The fabs function, page 183 (P), move the entire definition of
the fabs function to 7.6.7, Power functions and absolute value
functions., The nearbyint function, Description, paragraph 2, page 184
(P), correct the cross reference ``X.10.6.3-4''., The rinttol function, Returns, paragraph 3, page 184 (P),
separate the words ``longint''., The remquo function, Description, paragraph 2, page 187 (P),
separate the words ``quoitstroesavaluewhose''., The remquo function, Description, paragraph 2, page 187 (P),
correct ``mod2n'' to be:
        mod2, The fmax function, Returns, paragraph 3, page 190 (P), remove
reference to footnote 136, it belongs in the fmin function., The fmin function, Description, paragraph 2, page 190 (P),
add a reference to footnote 136 at the end of the paragraph., The fmax function, footnote 135, page 190 (P), correct the
cross reference ``X.10.9.2''.

F.2, Types, paragraph 1, third bullet, page 371 (P), separate the words

F.2.1, Infinities, signed zeros, and NaNs, paragraph 1, last sentence,
page 372 (P), correct the font of ``nan''.

F.3, Operators and functions, paragraph 1, eighth bullet, page 372
(P), separate the words ``<math.h>providestheIEC''.

F.3, Operators and functions, paragraph 1, 11th bullet, page 373
(P), separate the words ``isunordered)in''.

F.3, Operators and functions, paragraph 1, 12th bullet, page 373
(P), separate the words ``fetestexceptfunctionsin''.

F.3, Operators and functions, paragraph 1, 20th bullet, page 373
(P), separate the words ``<math.h>providesthefinite''.

F.5, Binary-decimal conversion, paragraph 1, page 374 (P), correct
``digits an back'' to read ``digits and back''.

F.7.3, Execution, paragraph 1, bullet 1, page 375 (P), says ``All
exception status flags are clear'', I think it should say `` All
exception status flags are cleared''.  The proposal says ``clear''.
But I think it should be ``cleared''.  Ask Jim?  Jim's response:

>I think "clear" is OK.  It describes a part of the state the environment
>is initialized to. 

I disagree but not strongly.  I'll leave it to the Redactor and Jim.

F.7.4, Constant expressions, Example, paragraph 2, page 376 (P), align
the trailing comments, use multiple lines if needed.

F.7.5, Initialization, paragraph 1, page 377 (P), correct ``objectst
hat'' to read ``objects that''.

F.7.6, Changing the environment, paragraph 1, page 377 (P), correct
``acros'' to be ``macros''.

F.7.6, Changing the environment, paragraph 2, page 377 (P), use
parenthesis instead of hyphens around the phrase ``namely overflow and
inexact, or underflow and inexact''.  Hyphens is not the style used
elsewhere, typically parenthesis are used.

F.8.1, Global transformations, paragraph 2, page 378 (P),
``maybe 0 > n'' should be ``maybe 0 > n''.

F.8.1, Global transformations, paragraph 2, page 378 (P), separate the
words ``1cannotbe''.

F.8.2, Expression transformations, paragraph 1, pages 378 and 379 (P),
align the first line of all 9 subparagraphs.

F.8.2, Expression transformations, paragraph 1, pages 378 and 379(P),
separate the two occurrences of the words ``xand' in the second and
fifth subparagraphs.

F.8.2, Expression transformations, paragraph 1, fourth subparagraph
pages 379 (P), separate the characters ``-(''.  And separate the words
``yand'' and ``1is''.

F.8.3, Relational operators, paragraph 1, subparagraph 2, page 379
(P), separate the words ``xisaNaN'.

F.8.3, Relational operators, paragraph 1, subparagraph 3, page 379
(P), align the paragraphs first line.

F.8.3, Relational operators, paragraph 1, page 379 (P), add a blank
line between subparagraph 3 and the beginning of the next full
paragraph which starts with ``The sense of relational''.

F.8.3, Relational operators, Example, paragraph 2, page 380 (P), all of
the comment lines should be aligned on the same line the if statement
begins at, or placed prior to the if statement.  They currently appear
in the else part of the if statement.  Four occurrences.

F.9.3.4, The frexp function, paragraph 1, first bullet, page 385 (P),
separate the words ``andreturns''.

F.9.4.2, The hypot function, footnote 219, N595 did not have this as a
footnote.  Jim was this your intention?  It makes the text
non-normative.  Jim's response:

>Footnote 219 is suppose to be in rationale.  It just gives justification
>for what's specified (normatively) in the bullets.

F.9.4.3, The pow function, paragraph 1, page 388 (P), separate the
words ``<infinity symbol>for''.

F.9.6.1, The ceil function, paragraph 1, page 389 (P), add a blank line
after the first and only bulleted line to separate it from the
following paragraph.

F.9.6.2, The floor function, paragraph 1, page 390 (P), add a blank
line after the first and only bulleted line to separate it from the
following paragraph.

F.9.7.1, The fmod function, paragraph 1, page 390 (P), add a blank line
after the fourth bulleted line to separate it from the following

F.9.9.2, The fmax function, paragraph 1, page 393 (P), add a blank
line after the first and only bulleted subparagraph to separate it from
the following paragraph.

N596, C9X Complex Arithmetic, Types, footnote 21, page 31 (P), correct
``Annex Y'' to be ``Annex G''., Types, paragraph 16, page 32 (P), the changes applied to this
paragraph do not match the changes as passed in N596.  Applying those
changes the paragraph should read:
    The type char, the signed and unsigned integer types, and the
    enumerated types are collectively called integral types.  The
    integral and real floating types are collectively called the real
    types.  The representation of integral types shall define values by
    use of a pure binary numeration system. (23)  The representation of
    real floating types are unspecified., Types, paragraph 17, page 32 (P), change ``real types'' back
to `` arithmetic types''.  No changes were directed for this
paragraph.  This restores the definition of arithmetic types., Usual arithmetic conversions, paragraph 1, page 51 (P), the
sentence beginning ``First, if the corresponding real type of either
..'' should become the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, indented like
all of the other major subparagraphs that follow., Usual arithmetic conversions, paragraph 1, page 51 (P), delete
the sentences ``The purpose is to yield a common type, which is also
the type of the result.  This pattern is called the usual arithmetic

6.3.5, Multiplicative operators, Semantics, paragraph 3, page 64 (P), I
agree with the ``Editor'' comment that the added sentence ``If either
operand has complex type, then the result has complex type.'' belongs
with, Usual arithmetic conversions.

6.3.6, Additive operators, Semantics, paragraph 4, page 65 (P), I agree
with the ``Editor'' comment that the added sentence ``If either operand
has complex type, then the result has complex type.'' belongs with, Usual arithmetic conversions.

6.3.9, Equality operators, Semantics, paragraph 3, page 69 (P), the
sentence beginning ``Values of complex types are equal ...'', is
suppose to be the beginning of a new paragraph following paragraph 3., Characteristics of floating types <float.h>, paragraph 3,
page 19 (P), ``for all values except FLT_EVAL_METHOD12.''.  Footnote 12
has been placed on the wrong paragraph and sentence.  Footnote 12
should be placed in paragraph 5, second sentence as follows, ``
characterized by the value of FLT_EVAL_METHOD12:''.

7.7, Complex arithmetic <complex.h>, paragraph 1, page 194 (P),
separate the words ``longdouble''.  And correct the font of the word
``double'' after separating it.

7.7, Complex arithmetic <complex.h>, footnote 140, page 194 (P),
correct ``Annex Y'' to be ``Annex G''.

7.7.1, The CX_LIMITED_RANGE macros, footnote 140, pages 194 and 195
(P), the footnote should not be split across two pages., Branch cuts, paragraph 1, page 195 (P), correct ``Annex Y'' to
be ``Annex G''., Branch cuts, paragraph 2, page 195 (P), correct ``Annex X'' to
be ``Annex F''., The cpow function, paragraphs 2 and 3, correct two occurrences
of ``xy'' to be:

Annex G, IEC 559-Compatible Complex Arithmetic, page 394 (P), is
labeled as ``(normative)'', correct it to be labeled as
``(informative)''.  See N596 (C9X Complex Arithmetic) and N632, Toronto
minutes item 6.

G.1, Introduction, paragraph 1, page 394 (P), correct ``Annex H'' to be
``Annex F''.

G.5.1, Multiplicative operators, page 395 and 396 (P), fix the tables.

G.5.2, Additive operators, paragraph 3, page 399, just prior to this
paragraph add the header ``G.6 <complex.h>'', and make this the first
paragraph G.6.  Renumber, clauses G.5.3 through G.5.12 as G.6.1 through
G.6.10 respectively.

G.5.2, Additive operators, paragraph 8 (will probably be paragraph 6 of
G.6), page 400, correct ``annex X'' to be ``annex F''.

G.5.2, Additive operators, paragraph 9 (will probably be paragraph 7 of
G.6), page 400, align all the equal signs in the expressions, and align
the expressions on the right hand side of the equal signs.

N620, Complex Arithmetic Edits - Update

The motion in the Toronto minutes (N632) passed N596 as amended by
N620.  However, the text for clauses G.5, Binary operators, through
G.5.2, Additive operators, contains the text from N596 instead of
N620.  Please apply the changes in N620 to the C9X draft.

From the cover e-mail, the following corrections to the log would be
helpful in reducing confusion:

> Date: 1997-01-03
> Date: 1997-01-03
> Document: WG14/N643 X3J11/97-007
> File: wg14/doc/n643-notes.txt

>Attached, please find a copy of C9X Draft 8.  This document
> represents C90 with the following changes applied:

>        - C9X Floating-Point Arithmetic, N546.
                                          ^^^^ Should be N595.
>        - Signed Integer Division, N452.
                                    ^^^^ This was completely replaced by                                          N617.  No changes to C9X should have come
                                         from N452.  It should not be in
                                         the log of changes.
>        - Idempotent type qualifiers, N505, 1996-10
>        minutes.
                                             ^^^^^^^ Should be 1996-06
                ^ (N615)
>        - Preprocessing directives deleted after
>        translation phase 4, 1996-10 minutes.
                                             ^ (N632)

> The following issues have been resolved in this draft.
>        3.  C9X floating-point arithmetic proposal (N546).
                                      Should be N595 ^^^^
>        5.  Signed Integer Division proposal (N452).
>                    Should be N617, see above ^^^^

>        8.  Idempotent type qualifiers (N505, 1996-10
>        minutes -- N623).
                     ^^^ 615 <-- Should be --> ^^^^^^^ 1996-06

>        10.  Preprocessing directives deleted after
>        translation phase 4 (1996-10 minutes -- N623).
                                   Should be --> ^^^^  N632


>The following are the outstanding issues with respect to
>Draft 8.

>        3.  The "__func__" proposal (N611) was not
>        incorporated because the subclause number appears to
>        be problematic.  The review committee might verify
>        that this is the subclause numbering inteded.

There is a significant typo, the proposal item to add should
have been

>        4.  The "strtoimax" proposal (N602) needs to be
>        substantially reworded.  The wording was incomplete
>        is and needs to be harmonized with other wording.

Please follow the 1996-10 minutes (N632), item 7, which corrects the
proposal, completing it and harmonizing it with the rest of the wording.

>         8.  The "<inttypes.h>" needs a definition of a
>         ``supported'' type.

The term ``supported in'' occurs once (7.4.1, Introduction), and the term
``supported by'' occurs twice (7.4.8, Limits of integral types, paragraph
1, and footnote 116).  ``supported in'' could be changed to ``defined in'',
and ``supported by'' could be changed to ``defined by''.  Would this
resolove this issue, I believe this change is strictly editorial and
does not change the meaning or intent.