ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14 N631

                          Document Number:  WG14 N631/X3J11 96-095
                               C9X Revision Proposal
       Title: Standard pragmas_____________________________________
       Author: Fred J. Tydeman_____________________________________
       Author Affiliation: Tydeman Consulting______________________
       Postal Address: Meisenweg 20, D-71032 Boeblingen, Germany___
       E-mail Address: tydeman @ tybor.com_________________________
       Telephone Number: +49 (7031) 288-964________________________
       Fax Number: +49 (7031) 288-964______________________________
       Sponsor: X3J11______________________________________________
       Date: 1996-11-11____________________________________________
       Proposal Category:
          __ Editorial change/non-normative contribution
          __ Correction
          Y_ New feature
          __ Addition to obsolescent feature list
          __ Addition to Future Directions
          __ Other (please specify)  ______________________________
       Area of Standard Affected:
          __ Environment
          Y_ Language
          Y_ Preprocessor
          __ Library
             __ Macro/typedef/tag name
             __ Function
             __ Header
          __ Other (please specify)  ______________________________
       Prior Art: Several commercial compilers have already imple-
       mented their own name space in pragmas of the form:
         #pragma ID pp-tokens
       For example, Cray uses _CRI for ID.
       Target Audience: All users._________________________________
       Related Documents (if any): WG14/N595, WG14/N596____________
       Proposal Attached: Y_ Yes __ No, but what's your interest?

       Reserve part of the pragma name space for Standard C.  
       Define three standard pragmas.

       In the following, *text* means text set in italic font, and
       !text! means text set in bold font.  Undesignated fonts can 
       be inferred from context.

       The references are to the C9X draft after N595 and N596, as
       amended, have been applied.


       In 6.3 Expressions:

           FP_CONTRACT macros
           FP_CONTRACT pragmas


       Add the following to 6.8.6 Pragma directive:

         The following pragmas, described elsewhere, have a standard

         !#pragma STDC FP_CONTRACT! *on-off-switch*
         !#pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS! *on-off-switch*
         !#pragma STDC CX_LIMITED_RANGE! *on-off-switch*

         *on-off-switch*: one of:
              !ON!    !OFF!   !DEFAULT!

         !Forward references!: 
           the !FP_CONTRACT! pragma (7.6.1),
           the !FENV_ACCESS! pragma (7.7.1),
           the !CX_LIMITED_RANGE! pragma (7.8.1).


       Add the following to 6.9 Future language directions:

         6.9.7 Pragma directives

         Pragmas whose first *pp-token* is !STDC! are reserved for 
         future standardization.


       In the enhanced mathematics <math.h> section 7.6.1 The
       FP_CONTRACT macros:

         Change all occurances of 'macro' and 'macros' to 'pragma', 
         including in the section title.

         Change the lines:
         to the line:
           !#pragma STDC FP_CONTRACT! *on-off-switch*


       In the floating-point environment <fenv.h> section 7.7.1 The
       FENV_ACCESS macros:

         Change all occurances of 'macro' and 'macros' to 'pragma', 
         including in the section title and footnotes.

         Change the lines:
         to the line:
           !#pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS! *on-off-switch*

         Change the occurances of:
           !#pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS ON!
         in the text, footnotes, and examples.


       In the <complex.h> section 7.8.1 The CX_LIMITED_RANGE macros:

         Change all occurances of 'macro' and 'macros' to 'pragma', 
         including in the section title.

         Change the lines:
         to the line:
           !#pragma STDC CX_LIMITED_RANGE! *on-off-switch*


       In Annex F: IEC 559 Floating-Point Arithmetic:

         Change the occurances of:
           !#pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS ON!
         in the text, footnotes, and examples.


       In the Annex G: IEC 559 Compatible Complex Arithmetic section
       G.5 binary operators, in the examples for multiply and divide:

           #pragma STDC FP_CONTRACT OFF


       Add the following to the Rationale document in 6.8.6 Pragma

         Some directives have been standardized.  Directives whose
         first pp-token is STDC are reserved for standardized


       Discussion:  Why add this feature?

       The translation directive macros (FP_CONTRACT_xxx,
       FENV_ACCESS_xxx, and CX_LIMITED_RANGE_xxx) of the
       Floating-Point and the Complex Arithmetic extensions are
       really directions to the compiler on how to do code
       generation.  In the original FPCE papers, these directives
       were pragmas.  Then when it was pointed out that pragmas
       could not be used in macros, these directives became macros. 
       Now that C9X supports an alternative form of pragmas,
       pragma("pp-tokens"), pragmas can be used in macros.  This
       proposal changes the translation directive macros back to
       pragmas and at the same time sets up a reserved portion of
       the pragma name space for future Standard C pragmas.  I
       understand that already some compiler vendors are using the
       first pp-token after #pragma as a special indicator to
       indicate that the following pp-tokens are for their