N970 18-Apr-2002 Benito, Official Minutes, Redmond, October 2001
N971 17-Apr-2002 Plauger, Meeting information, October 2002
N972 30-Apr-2002 Wakker, WDTR 18037
N973 07-May-2002 Parks, Keaton, Minutes, Curacao, April 2002
N974 26-Apr-2002 Benito, PRELIMINARY AGENDA FOR 14-18 October 2002
N975 06-May-2002 Tydeman, Optional support for signaling NaNs
N976 17-May-2002 Seebach, Annoyances with __VA_ARGS__
N977 17-May-2002 Mori, Additional Character Data Types in the Programming Language C