Preprocessor embed - Binary Resource Inclusion | r4

JeanHeyd Meneide <>

Shepherd’s Oasis, LLC <>

May 28th, 2021

Document: WG14 n2725 | WG21 p1967r4
Previous Revisions: WG14 n2470, n2499, n2592 | WG21 p1967r0, p1967r1, p1967r2, p1967r3
Audience: WG14, WG21
Proposal Category: New Features
Target Audience: General Developers, Application Developers, Compiler/Tooling Developers
Latest Revision:


Pulling binary data into a program often involves external tools and build system coordination. Many programs need binary data such as images, encoded text, icons and other data in a specific format. Current state of the art for working with such static data in C includes creating files which contain solely string literals, directly invoking the linker to create data blobs to access through carefully named extern variables, or generating large brace-delimited lists of integers to place into arrays. As binary data has grown larger, these approaches have begun to have drawbacks and issues scaling. From parsing 5 megabytes worth of integer literal expressions into AST nodes to arbitrary string literal length limits in compilers, portably putting binary data in a C program has become an arduous task that taxes build infrastructure and compilation memory and time.

This proposal provides a flexible preprocessor directive for making this data available to the user in a straightforward manner.

1 Changelog

1.1 Revision 4 - April 15th, 2021 (C++), May 15th, 2021 (C)

1.2 Revision 3 - October 25th, 2020

1.3 Revision 2 - April 10th, 2020

1.4 Revision 1 - March 5th, 2020

1.5 Revision 0 - January 5th, 2020

2 Polls & Votes

The votes for the C++ Committee are as follows:

The votes for the C Committee are as follows:

2.1 December 2020 Virtual C Meeting

“Do we want to allow #embed to appear in any context that is different from an initialization of a character array?”

5 8 6

“Leaning in the direction of no but not clear.” The paper author after consideration chose to keep this as-is right now. Discussion of the feature meant that trying to ban this from different contexts meant that a naïve, separated-preprocessor implementation would be banned and it would require special compiler magic to diagnose. Others pointed out that just trying to leave it “unspecified whether it works outside of the initialization of an array or not” is very dangerous to portably. The author agrees with this assessment and therefore will leave it as-is. The goal of this feature is to enable implementers to use the magic if they so choose, as an implementation detail and a Quality of Implementation selling point. Vendors who provide a simple expansion may not see improvements to throughput and speed of translation but that is their choice as an implementer. Therefore, we cannot do anything which would require them or any preprocessor implementation to traffic in magic directives unless they want to.

2.2 September 2020 Virtual C++ EWG Meeting

“We want #embed [optional limit] header-name (no type name, no other specification) as a feature.”

2 16 3 0 1

This vote gained the most consensus in the Committee. While there were some individuals who wanted to be able to specify a type, there was stronger interest in not specifying a type at all and always producing a list of integer literals suitable to be used anywhere an comma separated list was valid.

“We want to explore allowing an optional sequence of tokens to specify a type to #embed.”

1 9 4 4 3

Further need was also expressed for constexpr of different types of variables, so we would rather focus that ability into a sister feature, std::embed. There was also an expression to augment std::bitcast<...>(...) to handle arrays of data, which would be a follow-on proposal. There was a great amount of interest in the std::bitcast direction, which means a paper should be written to follow up on it.

2.3 April 2020 Virtual C Meeting

“We want to have a proper preprocessor #embed ... over a #pragma _STDC embed ...-based directive.”

This had UNANIMOUS CONSENT to pursue a proper preprocessor directive and NOT use the #pragma syntax. It is noted that the author deems this to be the best decision!

“We want to specify embed as using #embed [bits-per-element] header-name rather than #embed [pp-tokens-for-type] header-name.” (2-way poll.)

10 2 3

This poll will be a bit harder to accommodate properly. Using a constant-expression that produces a numeric constant means that the max-length specifier is now ambiguous. The syntax of the directive may need to change to accommodate further exploration.

3 Introduction

For well over 40 years, people have been trying to plant data into executables for varying reasons. Whether it is to provide a base image with which to flash hardware in a hard reset, icons that get packaged with an application, or scripts that are intrinsically tied to the program at compilation time, there has always been a strong need to couple and ship binary data with an application.

C does not make this easy for users to do, resulting in many individuals reaching for utilities such as xxd, writing python scripts, or engaging in highly platform-specific linker calls to set up extern variables pointing at their data. Each of these approaches come with benefits and drawbacks. For example, while working with the linker directly allows injection of vary large amounts of data (5 MB and upwards), it does not allow accessing that data at any other point except runtime. Conversely, doing all of these things portably across systems and additionally maintaining the dependencies of all these resources and files in build systems both like and unlike make is a tedious task.

Thusly, we propose a new preprocessor directive whose sole purpose is to be #include, but for binary data: #embed.

3.1 Motivation

The reason this needs a new language feature is simple: current source-level encodings of “producing binary” to the compiler are incredibly inefficient both ergonomically and mechanically. Creating a brace-delimited list of numerics in C comes with baggage in the form of how numbers and lists are formatted. C’s preprocessor and the forcing of tokenization also forces an unavoidable cost to lexer and parser handling of values.

Therefore, using arrays with specific initialized values of any significant size becomes borderline impossible. One would think this old problem would be work-around-able in a succinct manner. Given how old this desire is (that comp.std.c thread is not even the oldest recorded feature request), proper solutions would have arisen. Unfortunately, that could not be farther from the truth. Even the compilers themselves suffer build time and memory usage degradation, as contributors to the LLVM compiler ran the gamut of the biggest problems that motivate this proposal in a matter of a week or two earlier this very year. Luke is not alone in his frustrations: developers all over suffer from the inability to include binary in their program quickly and perform exceptional gymnastics to get around the compiler’s inability to handle these cases.

C developer progress is impeded regarding the inability to handle this use case, and it leaves both old and new programmers wanting.

3.2 But How Expensive Is This?

Many different options as opposed to this proposal were seriously evaluated. Implementations were attempted in at least 2 production-use compilers, and more in private. To give an idea of usage and size, here are results for various compilers on a machine with the following specification:

While time and Measure-Command work well for getting accurate timing information and can be run several times in a loop to produce a good average value, tracking memory consumption without intrusive efforts was much harder and thusly relied on OS reporting with fixed-interval probes. Memory usage is therefore approximate and may not represent the actual maximum of consumed memory. All of these are using the latest compiler built from source if available, or the latest technology preview if available. Optimizations at -O2 (GCC & Clang style)//O2 /Ob2 (MSVC style) or equivalent were employed to generate the final executable.

3.2.1 Speed Size

Strategy 40 kilobytes 400 kilobytes 4 megabytes 40 megabytes
#embed GCC 0.236 s 0.231 s 0.300 s 1.069 s
xxd-generated GCC 0.406 s 2.135 s 23.567 s 225.290 s
xxd-generated Clang 0.366 s 1.063 s 8.309 s 83.250 s
xxd-generated MSVC 0.552 s 3.806 s 52.397 s Out of Memory

3.2.2 Memory Size

Strategy 40 kilobytes 400 kilobytes 4 megabytes 40 megabytes
#embed GCC 17.26 MB 17.96 MB 53.42 MB 341.72 MB
xxd-generated GCC 24.85 MB 134.34 MB 1,347.00 MB 12,622.00 MB
xxd-generated Clang 41.83 MB 103.76 MB 718.00 MB 7,116.00 MB
xxd-generated MSVC ~48.60 MB ~477.30 MB ~5,280.00 MB Out of Memory

3.2.3 Analysis

The numbers here are not reassuring that compiler developers can reduce the memory and compilation time burdens with regard to large initializer lists. Furthermore, privately owned compilers and other static analysis tools perform almost exponentially worse here, taking vastly more memory and thrashing CPUs to 100% for several minutes (to sometimes several hours if e.g. the Swap is engaged due to lack of main memory). Every compiler must always consume a certain amount of memory in a relationship directly linear to the number of tokens produced. After that, it is largely implementation-dependent what happens to the data.

The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) uses a tree representation and has many places where it spawns extra “garbage”, as its called in the various bug reports and work items from implementers. There has been a 16+ year effort on the part of GCC to reduce its memory usage and speed up initializers (C Bug Report and C++ Bug Report). Significant improvements have been made and there is plenty of room for GCC to improve here with respect to compiler and memory size. Somewhat unfortunately, one of the current changes in flight for GCC is the removal of all location information beyond the 256th initializer of large arrays in order to save on space. This technique is not viable for static analysis compilers that promise to recreate source code exactly as was written, and therefore discarding location or token information for large initializers is not a viable cross-implementation strategy.

LLVM’s Clang, on the other hand, is much more optimized. They maintain a much better scaling and ratio but still suffer the pain of their token overhead and Abstract Syntax Tree representation, though to a much lesser degree than GCC. A bug report was filed but talk from two prominent LLVM/Clang developers made it clear that optimizing things any further would require an extremely large refactor and functionality add of parser internals, with potentially dubious gains. As part of this proposal, the implementation provided does attempt to do some of these optimizations, and follows some of the work done in this post to try and prove memory and file size savings. (The savings in trying to optimize parsing large array literals were “around 10%”, compared to the order-of-magnitude gains from #embed and similar techniques).

Microsoft Visual C (MSVC) scales the worst of all the compilers, even when given the benefit of being on its native operating system. Both Clang and GCC outperform MSVC on Windows 10 or WINE as of the time of writing.

Linker tricks on all platforms perform better with time (though slower than #embed implementation), but force the data to be optimizer-opaque (even on the most aggressive “Link Time Optimization” or “Whole Program Optimization” modes compilers had). Linker tricks are also exceptionally non-portable: whether it is the incbin assembly command supported by certain compilers, specific invocations of rc.exe/objcopy or others, non-portability plagues their usefulness in writing Cross-Platform C (see Appendix for listing of techniques). This makes C decidedly unlike the “portable assembler” advertised by its proponents (and my Professors and co-workers).

4 Design

There are two design goals at play here, sculpted to specifically cover industry standard practices with build systems and C programs. The first is to enable developers to get binary content quickly and easily into their applications. This can be icons/images, scripts, tiny sound effects, hardcoded firmware binaries, and more. In order to support this use case, this feature was designed for simplicity and builds upon widespread existing practice.

4.1 First Principle: Simplicity and Familiarity

Providing a directive that mirrors #include makes it natural and easy to understand and use this new directive. It accepts both chevron-delimited (<>) and quote-delimited ("") strings like #include does. This matches the way people have been generating files to #include in their programs, libraries and applications: matching the semantics here preserves the same mental model. This makes it easy to teach and use, since it follows the same principles:

/* default is unsigned char */
const unsigned char icon_display_data[] = {
    #embed "art.png"

/* specify any type which can be initialized form integer constant expressions will do */
const char reset_blob[] = {
    #embed "data.bin"

Because of its design, it also lends itself to being usable in a wide variety of contexts and with a wide variety of vendor extensions. For example:

/* attributes work just as well */
const signed char aligned_data_str[] __attribute__ ((aligned (8))) = {
    #embed "attributes.xml"

The above code obeys the alignment requirements for an implementation that understands GCC directives, without needing to add special support in the #embed directive for it: it is just another array initializer, like everything else.

4.1.1 Existing Practice - Search Paths

It follows the same implementation experience guidelines as #include by leaving the search paths implementation defined, with the understanding that implementations are not monsters and will generally provide -fembed-path/-fembed-path= and other related flags as their users require for their systems. This gives implementers the space they need to serve the needs of their constituency.

4.1.2 Existing Practice - Discoverable and Distributable

Build systems today understand the make dependency format, typically through use of the compiler flags -(M)MD and friends. This sees widespread support, from CMake, Meson and Bazel to ninja and make. Even VC++ has a version of this flag – /showIncludes – that gets parsed by build systems.

This preprocessor directive fits perfectly into existing build architecture by being discoverable in the same way with the same tooling formats. It also blends perfectly with existing distributed build systems which preprocess their files with -frewrite-includes before sending it up to the build farm, as distcc and icecc do.

4.2 Second Principle: Efficiency

The second principle guiding the design of this feature is facing the increasing problems with #include and typical source-style rewriting of binary data. Array literals do not scale. Processing large comma-delimited, braced-init-lists of data-as-numbers produces excessive compilation times. Compiler memory usage reaches extraordinary levels that are often ten to twenty times (or more) of the original desired data file (see above tables in the Motivation section). Part of this is endemic to the compiler: the preprocessor demands that tokens be

String literals do not suffer the same compilation times or memory scaling issues, but the C Standard has limits on the maximum size of string literals (§, “— 4095 characters in a string literal (after concatenation)”). One implementation takes the C Standard quite almost exactly at face value: it allows 4095 bytes in a single string piece, so multiple quoted pieces each no larger than 4095 bytes must be used to create large enough string literals to handle the work.

#embed’s specification is such that it behaves “as if” it expands to a comma separated list, comma-separated sequence of integral literals. This means an implementation does not have to run the full gamut of producing an abstract syntax tree of an expression. Nor does it need to generate a token sequence that must be manipulated by the preprocessor either. Most compilers do not need a fully generic expression list that spans several AST nodes for what is logically just a sequence of numeric literals. A more direct representation can be used internally in the compiler, drastically speeding up processing and embedding of the binary data into the translation unit for use by the program. One of the test implementations uses such a direct representation and achieves drastically reduced memory and compile time footprint, making large binary data accessible in C programs in an affordable manner.

4.2.1 Infinity Files

The earliest adopters and testers of the implementation reported problems when trying to access POSIX-style char devices and pseudo-files that do not have a logical limitation. These “infinity files” served as the motivation for introducing the “limit” parameter; there are a number of resources which are logically infinite and thusly having a compiler read all of the data would result an Out of Memory error, much like with #include if someone did #include "/dev/urandom".

The limit parameter is specified before the resource name in #embed, like so:

const int please_dont_oom_kill_me[] = {
    #embed 32 "/dev/urandom"

This prevents locking compilers in an infinite loop of reading from potentially limitless resources. Note the parameter is a hard upper bound, and not an exact requirement. A resource may expand to 16 elements, which is fine, and not the maximum of 32.

4.3 Constant Expressions

Both C and C++ compilers have rich constant folding capabilities. While C compilers only acknowledge a fraction of what is possible by larger implementations like MSVC, Clang, and GCC, C++ has an entire built-in compile-time programming bit, called constexpr. Most typical solutions cannot be used as constant expressions because they are hidden behind run-time or link-time mechanisms (objcopy, or the resource compiler rc.exe on Windows, or the static library archiving tools). This means that many algorithms and data components which could strongly benefit from having direct access to the values of the integer constants do not because the compiler cannot “see” the data, or because Whole Program Optimization cannot be aggressive enough to do anything with those values at that point in the compilation (i.e., during the final linking stage).

This makes #embed especially powerful, since it guarantees these values are available as-if it was written by as a sequence of integers whose values fit within an unsigned char.

5 Implementation Experience

An implementation of this functionality is available in branches of both GCC and Clang, accessible right now with an internet connection through the online utility Compiler Explorer. The Clang compiler with this functionality is called “x86-64 clang (std::embed)” and the GCC compiler is called “x86-64 gcc (std::embed)” in the Compiler Explorer UI.

6 Alternative Syntax

There were previous concerns about the syntax. WG14 voted to keep the syntax as a plain #embed preprocessor directive.

7 Wording - C

This wording is relative to C’s latest working draft.

7.1 Intent

The intent of the wording is to provide a preprocessing directive that:

7.2 Proposed Language Wording

Note: The � is a stand-in character to be replaced by the editor.

Modify 6.4.7, paragraph 4:

… There is one exception to this rule: header name preprocessing tokens are recognized only within #include and #embed preprocessing directives and in implementation-defined locations within #pragma directives. …

Add another control-line production to §6.10 Preprocessing Directives, Syntax, paragraph 1:

   # embed pp-tokens new-line

Add a new sub clause as §6.10.� to §6.10 Preprocessing Directives, preferably after §6.10.2 Source file inclusion:

§6.10.�     Resource embedding


1A #embed directive shall identify a resource that can be processed by the implementation as a binary data sequence. It behaves as-if it generates a token sequence of a comma separated list of values, as specified below. If there is only a single element, there is no trailing or preceding comma in the list of values. If there are no elements then the directive is replaced by nothing. If there are two or more elements in the list of values then each element is separated by a comma, with no leading or trailing comma in the list.


2 A preprocessing directive of the form

    # embed constant-expressionopt < h-char-sequence > new-line

searches a sequence of implementation-defined places for a resource identified uniquely by the specified sequence between the < and >. The search for the named resource is done in an implementation-defined manner.

3 A preprocessing directive of the form

    # embed constant-expressionopt q-char-sequence new-line

searches a sequence of implementation-defined places for a resource identified uniquely by the specified sequence between the ", or < and >, delimiters. The search for the named resource is done in an implementation-defined manner. If this search is not supported, or if the search fails, the directive is reprocessed as if it read

    # embed constant-expressionopt < h-char-sequence > new-line

with the identical contained q-char-sequence (including > characters, if any) from the original directive.

4 Either form of the #embed directive specified previously behave as if it were expanded to a comma separated list. Specifically, each element of the comma separated list behaves as if the characters from the resource were read and mapped in an implementation-defined manner to a sequence of bits. The sequence of bits is used to produce integer constant expressions for each element of the comma separated list, with values of EMBED-WIDTH width bits and values between 0 and EMBED-MAX, inclusive.18���) The behavior is unspecified if the implementation-defined values of EMBED-WIDTH and EMBED-MAX are not equivalent to the width and max values for unsigned char (

5 If a constant-expression is specified, it shall be suitable for use in an #if preprocessing directive and interpreted as specified in Conditional Inclusion (6.10.1). It shall result in a integer value that is greater than or equal to zero. The mapping from the contents of the resource to the elements of the comma separated list shall contain up to constant-expression elements according to the above. If the implementation-defined bit size is less than the constant-expression multiplied by the EMBED-WIDTH, the implementation-defined bit size shall be a multiple of the EMBED-WIDTH or 0.

6 If a constant-expression is not specified, the implementation-defined bit size shall be a multiple of EMBED-WIDTH.

7 A preprocessing directive of the form

# embed pp-tokens new-line

(that does not match one of the two previous forms) is permitted. The preprocessing tokens after embed in the directive are processed just as in normal text. (Each identifier currently defined as a macro name is replaced by its replacement list of preprocessing tokens.) The directive resulting after all replacements shall match one of the two previous forms18��. The method by which a sequence of preprocessing tokens between a < and a > preprocessing token pair or a pair of " characters is combined into a single resource name preprocessing token is implementation-defined.

18��) Note that adjacent string literals are not concatenated into a single string literal (see the translation phases in; thus, an expansion that results in two string literals is an invalid directive.

18���) It is implementation-defined how EMBED-WIDTH and EMBED-MAX are obtained. For example, an implementation may read <limits.h> to check UCHAR_WIDTH and UCHAR_MAX, or use implementation parameters, to determine their value.

Add 6 new Example paragraphs for Recommended Practice below the above text in §6.10.� Resource embedding:

Recommended Practice

8 EXAMPLE 1 Placing a small image resource.
#include <stddef.h>

void have_you_any_wool(const unsigned char*, size_t);

int main (int, char*[]) {
    const unsigned char baa_baa[] = {
#embed "black_sheep.ico"

    have_you_any_wool(baa_baa, sizeof(baa_baa));

    return 0;
9 EXAMPLE 2 Checking the first 4 elements of a sound resource.
#include <assert.h>

int main (int, char*[]) {
    const char sound_signature[] = {
#embed (2+2) <sdk/jump.wav>

    // verify PCM WAV resource
    assert(sound_signature[0] == 'R');
    assert(sound_signature[1] == 'I');
    assert(sound_signature[2] == 'F');
    assert(sound_signature[3] == 'F');
    assert(sizeof(sound_signature) == 4);

    return 0;
10 EXAMPLE 3 Diagnostic for resource which is too small.

int main (int, char*[]) {
    const unsigned char coefficients[] = {
#embed "only_3_bits.bin"

    return 0;

An implementation shall produce a diagnostic where 3 bits (i.e., the implementation-defined bit size) is less than EMBED-WIDTH, or the implementation-defined bit size modulo EMBED-WIDTH is not 0.

11 EXAMPLE 4 Extra elements added to array initializer.
#include <string.h>

#define SHADER_TARGET "edith-impl.glsl"

extern char* null_term_shader_data;

void fill_in_data () {
    const char internal_data[] = {
    , 0 };

    strcpy(null_term_shader_data, internal_data);
12 EXAMPLE 5 Initialization of non-arrays.
int main () {
    int i = {
#embed "i.dat"
    }; // i value is [0, EMBED-MAX] from first entry
    int i2 =
#embed "i.dat"
    ; // valid if i.dat produces 1 value, i value is [0, EMBED-MAX]
    struct s {
        double a, b, c;
        struct { double e, f, g; };
        double h, i, j;
    struct s x = {
    // initializes each element in
    // order according to initialization rules with
    // brace-delimited, comma separated list
#embed "s.dat"
    return 0;

Non-array types can still be initialized since the directive produces a comma-delimited lists of tokens of integer constant expressions, a single integer constant expression, or nothing.

13 EXAMPLE 6 Equivalency of bit sequence and bit order.
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    const unsigned char embed_data[] = {
#embed <data.dat>

    const size_t f_size = sizeof(embed_data);
    unsigned char f_data[f_size];
    FILE* f_source = fopen("data.dat", "rb");
    if (f_source == NULL);
        return 1;
    char* f_ptr = (char*)&f_data[0];
    if (fread(f_ptr, 1, f_size, f_source) != f_size) {
        return 1;

    int is_same = memcmp(&embed_data[0], f_ptr, f_size);
    // if both operations refers to the same resource/file at
    // execution time and translation time, "is_same" should be 0
    return is_same == 0 ? 0 : 1;
Forward references: macro replacement (6.10.�).

Finally, Add the new unspecified behavior to the Annex entries for Unspecified behavior.

8 Wording - C++

This wording is relative to C++’s latest working draft.

8.1 Intent

The intent of the wording is to provide a preprocessing directive that:

8.2 Proposed Feature Test Macro

The proposed feature test macro is __cpp_pp_embed for the preprocessor functionality.

8.3 Proposed Language Wording

Append to §14.8.1 Predefined macro names [cpp.predefined]’s Table 21 with two additional entries:

Macro name Value
__cpp_pp_embed ????

Add to the control-line production in §15.1 Preamble [cpp.pre] a new grammar production:

    # embed pp-tokens new-line

Add a new sub-clause §15.4 Resource inclusion [cpp.res]:

15.4 Resource inclusion [cpp.res]

1 A #embed directive shall identify a resource file that can be processed by the implementation.

2 A preprocessing directive of the form

    # embed constant-expressionopt < h-char-sequence > new-line


    # embed constant-expressionopt q-char-sequence new-line

searches a sequence of implementation-defined places for a resource identified uniquely by the specified sequence between the < and > or the and delimiters. How the places are specified or the resource identified is implementation-defined.

3 Let EMBED-MAX and EMBED-WIDTH be the implementation-defined maximum integer value and the implementation-defined width of a given integer value. Either form of the #embed directive specified previously behave as if it were expanded to a comma separated list. Specifically, each element of the comma separated list behaves as if the characters from the resource were read and mapped in an implementation-defined manner to a sequence of bits. The sequence of bits is used to produce integral constants for each element of the comma separated list, with values of EMBED-WIDTH width and values between 0 and EMBED-MAX, inclusive. [ Note: It is implementation-defined how EMBED-WIDTH and EMBED-MAX are obtained. For example, an implementation may read <climits> to check UCHAR_WIDTH and UCHAR_MAX, or use implementation configuration, to determine their value. The behavior is unspecified if the values are not equivalent to the width and max values for unsigned char ([basic.fundamental]). — end note ]

4 If a constant-expression is specified, it will be evaluated as specified by conditional inclusion ([cpp.cond]). It shall result in a positive integer constant. The mapping from the contents of the resource to the elements of the comma separated list shall contain up to constant-expression elements. If the implementation-defined bit size is not a multiple of the EMBED-WIDTH, and the implementation-defined bit size is less than the constant-expression multiplied by the EMBED-WIDTH, then the program is ill-formed. It is well-formed if the implementation-defined bit size is greater than or equal to the constant-expression multiplied by the EMBED-WIDTH.

5 If a constant-expression is not specified, the implementation-defined bit size shall be a multiple of the EMBED-WIDTH.

[ Example:

#include <cstddef>

void have_you_any_wool(const unsigned char*, std::size_t);

int main (int, char*[]) {
  constexpr const unsigned char baa_baa[] = {
#embed "in.ico"

  have_you_any_wool(baa_baa, sizeof(baa_baa));

  return 0;

– end Example ]

[ Example:

#include <cassert>

int main (int, char*[]) {
  constexpr const char sound_signature[] = {
#embed (2+2) <sdk/jump.wav>

  // verify PCM WAV resource
  assert(sound_signature[0] == 'R');
  assert(sound_signature[1] == 'I');
  assert(sound_signature[2] == 'F');
  assert(sound_signature[3] == 'F');
  assert(sizeof(sound_signature) == 4);

  return 0;

– end Example ]

[ Example:

int main (int, char*[]) {
  const unsigned char coefficients[] = {
// may produce diagnostic: 16 bits (i.e., implementation-defined bit size)
// is not enough for an unsigned long long (e.g. ULLONG_WIDTH)
#embed "only_3_bits.bin"

  const unsigned char byte_factors[] = {
// may produce diagnostic: 12 bits % EMBED-WIDTH may not be 0
// on a system where the resource with an implementation-defined
// bit size of 12 bits
#embed "12_bits.bin"

  const unsigned char scalar[] = {
// if the bit size of unsigned char is less than
// an implementation-defined bit size of 24,
// then this does not produce a diagnostic.
#embed 1 "24_bits.bin"

  return 0;

– end Example ]

[ Example:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

#define SHADER_TARGET "dom-pandza-brdf.glsl"

extern char* null_term_shader_data;

void init_data () {
  constexpr const char internal_data[] = {
  , 0 }; // additional element to null terminate content
  std::copy_n(internal_data, std::size(internal_data),

– end Example ]

[ Example:

int main () {
  int i = {
#embed "i.dat"
  }; // well-formed if i.dat produces 1 value, i value is [0, EMBED-MAX]
  struct s {
      double a, b, c;
      struct { double e, f, g; };
      double h, i, j;
  s x = {
  // well-formed, initializes each element in
  // order according to initialization rules with
  // brace-delimited, comma separated list
#embed "s.dat"
  return 0;

– end Example ]

[ Example:

#include <cstring>
#include <cstddef>
#include <fstream>

int main() {
  const unsigned char embed_data[] = {
#embed <data.dat>

  constexpr std::size_t ifstream_size = sizeof(embed_data);
  unsigned char ifstream_data[ifstream_size];
  std::ifstream f_source("data.dat");
  char* ifstream_ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(ifstream_data);
  if (!, ifstream_size));
      return 1;

  int is_same = std::memcmp(&embed_data[0], ifstream_ptr, ifstream_size);
  // if both operations refer to the same resource/file at
  // execution time and translation time, "is_same" should be 0
  return is_same == 0 ? 0 : 1;

– end Example ]

9 Acknowledgements

Thank you to Alex Gilding for bolstering this proposal with additional ideas and motivation. Thank you to Aaron Ballman, David Keaton, and Rajan Bhakta for early feedback on this proposal. Thank you to the #include<C++> for bouncing lots of ideas off the idea in their Discord.

Thank you to the Lounge<C++> for their continued support, and to rmf for the valuable early implementation feedback.

10 Appendix

10.1 Existing Tools

This section categorizes some of the platform-specific techniques used to work with C++ and some of the challenges they face. Other techniques used include pre-processing data, link-time based tooling, and assembly-time runtime loading. They are detailed below, for a complete picture of today’s landscape of options. They include both C and C++ options.

10.1.1 Pre-Processing Tools

  1. Run the tool over the data (xxd -i xxd_data.bin > xxd_data.h) to obtain the generated file (xxd_data.h) and add a null terminator if necessary:
unsigned char xxd_data_bin[] = {
  0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x57, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64,
  0x0a, 0x00
unsigned int xxd_data_bin_len = 13;
  1. Compile main.c:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// prefix as const,
// even if it generates some warnings in g++/clang++
#include "xxd_data.h"

int main() {
    const char* data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(xxd_data_bin);
    puts(data); // Hello, World!
    return 0;

Others still use python or other small scripting languages as part of their build process, outputting data in the exact C++ format that they require.

There are problems with the xxd -i or similar tool-based approach. Tokenization and Parsing data-as-source-code adds an enormous overhead to actually reading and making that data available.

Binary data as C(++) arrays provide the overhead of having to comma-delimit every single byte present, it also requires that the compiler verify every entry in that array is a valid literal or entry according to the C++ language.

This scales poorly with larger files, and build times suffer for any non-trivial binary file, especially when it scales into Megabytes in size (e.g., firmware and similar).

10.1.2 python

Other companies are forced to create their own ad-hoc tools to embed data and files into their C++ code. MongoDB uses a custom python script, just to format their data for compiler consumption:

import os
import sys

def jsToHeader(target, source):
    outFile = target
    h = [
        '#include "mongo/base/string_data.h"',
        '#include "mongo/scripting/engine.h"',
        'namespace mongo {',
        'namespace JSFiles{',
    def lineToChars(s):
        return ','.join(str(ord(c)) for c in (s.rstrip() + '\n')) + ','
    for s in source:
        filename = str(s)
        objname = os.path.split(filename)[1].split('.')[0]
        stringname = '_jscode_raw_' + objname

        h.append('constexpr char ' + stringname + "[] = {")

        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:

        # symbols aren't exported w/o this
        h.append('extern const JSFile %s;' % objname)
        h.append('const JSFile %s = { "%s", StringData(%s, sizeof(%s) - 1) };' %
                 (objname, filename.replace('\\', '/'), stringname, stringname))

    h.append("} // namespace JSFiles")
    h.append("} // namespace mongo")

    text = '\n'.join(h)

    with open(outFile, 'wb') as out:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print "Must specify [target] [source] "
    jsToHeader(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:])

MongoDB were brave enough to share their code with me and make public the things they have to do: other companies have shared many similar concerns, but do not have the same bravery. We thank MongoDB for sharing.

10.1.3 ld

A complete example (does not compile on Visual C++):

  1. Have a file ld_data.bin with the contents Hello, World!.

  2. Run ld -r binary -o ld_data.o ld_data.bin.

  3. Compile the following main.cpp with c++ -std=c++17 ld_data.o main.cpp:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define STRINGIZE_(x) #x

#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <mach-o/getsect.h>

#define DECLARE_LD_(LNAME) extern const unsigned char _section$__DATA__##LNAME[];
#define LD_NAME_(LNAME) _section$__DATA__##LNAME
#define LD_SIZE_(LNAME) (getsectbyLNAME("__DATA", "__" STRINGIZE(LNAME))->size)

#elif (defined __MINGW32__) /* mingw */

#define DECLARE_LD(LNAME)                                 \
  extern const unsigned char binary_##LNAME##_start[];    \
  extern const unsigned char binary_##LNAME##_end[];
#define LD_NAME(LNAME) binary_##LNAME##_start
#define LD_SIZE(LNAME) ((binary_##LNAME##_end) - (binary_##LNAME##_start))

#else /* gnu/linux ld */

#define DECLARE_LD_(LNAME)                                  \
  extern const unsigned char _binary_##LNAME##_start[];     \
  extern const unsigned char _binary_##LNAME##_end[];
#define LD_NAME_(LNAME) _binary_##LNAME##_start
#define LD_SIZE_(LNAME) ((_binary_##LNAME##_end) - (_binary_##LNAME##_start))


int main() {
    const char* p_data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(LD_NAME(ld_data_bin));
    // impossible, not null-terminated
    // must copy instead
    return 0;

This scales a little bit better in terms of raw compilation time but is shockingly OS, vendor and platform specific in ways that novice developers would not be able to handle fully. The macros are required to erase differences, lest subtle differences in name will destroy one’s ability to use these macros effectively. We omitted the code for handling VC++ resource files because it is excessively verbose than what is present here.

N.B.: Because these declarations are extern, the values in the array cannot be accessed at compilation/translation-time.

10.1.4 incbin

There is a tool called incbin which is a 3rd party attempt at pulling files in at “assembly time”. Its approach is incredibly similar to ld, with the caveat that files must be shipped with their binary. It unfortunately falls prey to the same problems of cross-platform woes when dealing with Visual C, requiring additional pre-processing to work out in full.

10.2 Type Flexibility

Note: As per the vote in the September C++ Evolution Working Group Meeting, Type Flexibility is not being pursued in the preprocessor for various implementation and support splitting concerns.

A type can be specified after the #embed to view the data in a very specific manner. This allows data to initialized as exactly that type.

Type flexibility was not pursued for various implementation concerns. Chief among them was single-purpose preprocessors that did not have access to frontend information. This meant it was very hard to make a system that was both preprocessor conformant but did not require e.g. sizeof(...) information at the point of preprocessor invocation. Therefore, the type flexibility feature was pulled from #embed and will be conglomerated in other additions such as std::bitcast or std::embed.

/* specify a type-name to change array type */
const int shorten_flac[] = {
    #embed int "stripped_music.flac"

The contents of the resource are mapped in an implementation-defined manner to the data, such that it will use sizeof(type-name) * CHAR_BIT bits for each element. If the file does not have enough bits to fill out a multiple of sizeof(type-name) * CHAR_BIT bits, then a diagnostic is required. Furthermore, we require that the type passed to #embed that must one of the following fundamental types, signed or unsigned, spelled exactly in this manner:

More types can be supported by the implementation if the implementation so chooses (both the GCC and Clang prototypes described below support more than this). The reason exactly these types are required is because these are the only types for which there is a suitable way to obtain their size at pre-processor time. Quoting from §, paragraph 1:

The values given below shall be replaced by constant expressions suitable for use in #if preprocessing directives.

This means that the types above have a specific size that can be properly initialized by a preprocessor entirely independent of a proper C frontend, without needing to know more than how to be a preprocessor. Originally, the proposal required that every use of #embed is accompanied by a #include <limits.h> (or, in the case of C++, #include <climits>). Instead, the proposal now let’s the implementation “figure it out” on an implementation-by-implementation basis.

10.2.1 Endianness

what would happen if you did fread into an int? that’s my answer 🙂
– The Cursed Bruja of the Great Sages, Isabella Muerte

Note: Endianness is not an issue for single bytes. This section is kept for historical reasons.

It’s a simple answer. A compiler-magic based implementation like the ones provided below have no endianness issues, but an implementation which writes out integer literals may need to be careful of host vs. target endianness to make sure it serializes correctly to the final binary. As a litmus test, the following code – given a suitable sized "foo.bin" resource – must pass:

#include <limit.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

int main() {
    const unsigned char foo0[] = {
#embed "foo.bin"
    const int foo1[] = {
#embed int "foo.bin"
    const unsigned int foo2[] = {
#embed unsigned int "foo.bin"
    // additionally, if the implementation supports
    // extended types (see the "Type Flexibility" section)
    const float foo3[] = {
#embed float "foo.bin"

    assert(memcmp(&foo0[0], &foo1[0], sizeof(foo0)) == 0);
    assert(memcmp(&foo1[0], &foo2[0], sizeof(foo0)) == 0);
    assert(memcmp(&foo0[0], &foo2[0], sizeof(foo0)) == 0);
    // additionally, if the implementation supports
    // extended types (see the "Type Flexibility" section)
    assert(memcmp(&foo0[0], &foo3[0], sizeof(foo0)) == 0);

    return 0;

This implies that the bits are always overlaid into the elements properly. Note that this does not imply the following must pass:

#include <limit.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

int main() {
    const unsigned char foo0[] = {
#embed int "foo.bin"
    const int foo1[] = {
#embed unsigned char "foo.bin"
    const unsigned long long foo2[] = {
#embed int "foo.bin"
    // additionally, if the implementation supports
    // extended types (see the "Type Flexibility" section)
    const int foo2[] = {
#embed float "foo.bin"

    // NONE of these are guaranteed!
    assert(memcmp(&foo0[0], &foo1[0], sizeof(foo0)) == 0);
    assert(memcmp(&foo1[0], &foo2[0], sizeof(foo0)) == 0);
    assert(memcmp(&foo0[0], &foo2[0], sizeof(foo0)) == 0);
    // additionally, if the implementation supports
    // extended types (see the "Type Flexibility" section)
    assert(memcmp(&foo0[0], &foo3[0], sizeof(foo0)) == 0);

    return 0;

This may truncate elements (the initialization of foo0), put the integer value into a larger type (the initialization of foo1), underflow the target representation (the initialization of foo2), or simply fail to compile (the implementation-defined foo2 can reject initializing ints from floats). We see this as okay: the user has deliberately not matched the type being initialized with the type being viewed with the directive.