Defect Report #418

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Submitter: Fred J. Tydeman (USA)
Submission Date: 2012-9-13
Source: WG14
Reference Document: N1633
Related: N1497
Version: 1.1
Date: April 2013
Subject: Possible defect report: fmod(0.,NaN) and fmod(NaN,infinity)

First question. When Annex F is in effect, what should the value of fmod(0.,NaN) be? The two choices are 0. or NaN.

Annex F.10.7.1 The fmod functions has:

So, that first bullet item says fmod(0.,NaN) is 0.

Elsewhere in that annex (F.10 Mathematics, paragraph 11), we have:

Functions with a NaN argument return a NaN result and raise no floating-point exception, except where stated otherwise.

That says that fmod(0.,NaN) is NaN.

One idea is to explicitly add words about a NaN to the first bullet item in F.10.7.1, such as:

However, if F.10#11 covers NaN arguments before any other arguments are considered, then words about NaN could be removed from the second case in F.10.7.1, such as:

I believe that takes us back to before N1497 was done.

Second question: what should fmod(NaN,infinity) be? Must it be the same NaN argument, or may it be any NaN?

Annex F.10.7.1 The fmod functions has:

Which says fmod(NaN,infinity) must be the same NaN argument.

But, if F.10#11 covers this NaN argument, then this case is just some NaN.

It appears that the third bullet should either be left alone or changed to:

Some other functions that discuss NaN arguments in Annex F are: frexp, ilogb, modf, hypot, pow, fmax, fmin, and fma. Of those, only hypot, pow, fmax, and fmin have exceptions on NaN in implies NaN out.

Oct 2012 meeting

Committee Discussion

Proposed Committee Response

The consensus was to do nothing and the author agrees.

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