Defect Report #107

Submission Date: 03 Dec 93
Submittor: WG14
Source: Ron Guilmette
ANSI/ISO C Defect report #rfg14:
Subclause (Synopsis) says:
#include <assert.h>
void assert(int expression);
This synopsis raises several related questions.
a) May a strictly conforming program contain code which includes an invocation of the assert macro for an expression whose type is not directly convertible to type int? (See examples below.)
b) Must a conforming implementation issue diagnostics for any and all attempts to invoke the assert macro for an expression having some type which is not directly convertible to type int?
#include <assert.h>

char *cp;
void (*fp) ();
struct S { int member; } obj;

void example ()
assert (cp); /*
conforming code? diagnostic required? */
assert (fp); /*
conforming code? diagnostic required? */
assert (obj); /*
conforming code? diagnostic required? */

c) Must a conforming implementation convert the value yielded by the expression given in an invocation of the assert macro to type int before checking to see if it compares equal to zero?
#include <assert.h>

void example ()
assert (0.1); /*
must this casue an abort? must it NOT? */

a) The definition of assert depends on the NDEBUG macro. The Synopsis provides information on how an implementation may use the parameter. If NDEBUG is defined as a macro, the parameter is not used and hence cannot cause undefined behavior. If NDEBUG is not defined as a macro, the implementation may rely on the parameter having type int. Passing a non-int argument in such a context will render the translation unit not strictly conforming.
b) If NDEBUG is defined as a macro, the parameter is not used and no diagnostic should occur. Otherwise, a violation of this requirement results in undefined behavior, which does not require a diagnostic.
c) No.
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