Post Ithaca 2019 Documents

Date: 2019-12-01

N2377 2019/11/09 Bhakta, Final/Corrected London meeting minutes
N2446 2019/11/09 Tydeman, printf of NaN()
N2447 2019/11/09 Tydeman, Missing example in 6.5.6
N2448 2019/11/09 Meneide, nodiscard("should have a reason")
N2449 2019/11/10 Gustedt, Revise spelling of keywords v3
N2450 2019/11/10 Gustedt, Make false and true first-class language features v2
N2451 2019/11/10 Blower, Draft Ithaca 2019 Meeting Minutes
N2452 2019/11/10 Thomas, October 2019 CFP teleconference minutes
N2453 2019/11/10 Thomas, November 2019 CFP teleconference agenda
N2454 2019/11/18 Gustedt, ISO/IEC 9899 working draft November 2019
N2455 2019/11/18 Gustedt, ISO/IEC 9899 working draft November 2019, diffmarks
N2456 2019/11/18 Gustedt, ISO/IEC 9899 editor report November 2019
N2457 2019/11/18 Gustedt, Revise spelling of keywords v4
N2458 2019/11/18 Gustedt, Make false and true first-class language features v3
N2459 2019/11/18 Gustedt, Add an interface to query resolution of time bases v3
N2460 2019/11/18 Gustedt, Add new optional time bases v3
N2461 2019/11/18 Gustedt, Synchronization at thread and execution termination v3
N2462 2019/11/17 Keaton, Preliminary Agenda for March-April, 2020
N2463 2019/11/17 Krause, Freiburg 2020 venue
N2464 2019/12/01 Seacord, Zero-size Reallocations are Undefined Behavior